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Holistic Living

Unlocking Capabilities

The Pillars

There are many ways to connect with life and support your mind-body experience. Through application of these practices one can free the mind from entrapment and limited experience, opening the door to endless isness. 


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Every breath is a gift. It is to be unwrapped from within and what can be found is the present, the now. In ancient teachings the nostrils are the gateway to the head, this is how life enters our vessel, creating the pathway to the mind-body. The breath and mind are a mirror of one another and the body expresses this notion within and without. Breath is the essence of life, a source of nourishment for the spirit.


Nourish the spirit through the breath, nourish the body through sustenance. To eat death, is to become death, to eat living foods, is to become life. You are what you eat. Man are living electric beings that are designed to consume living electric sources of food. Western civilisation has created ideologies promoting a 'sufficient balanced diet' but in reality fund and profit from this system, it is root cause to all suffering and dis-ease. Eastern civilisations and ancient esoteric practices utilise sufficient food sources and healing tools that are of the Earth, pure life energy to heal and liberate Man. Our medicine and heal-thy source of food is all around, only for you. Digest the food that brings vitality in abundance.

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Becoming more receptive and aware of energy, the channels must become in alignment for energy to flow freely throughout the body. Putting the art of motion into practice and through consistent application of these expressions such as yoga, pilates, breath work will allow the body to take its natural form. Becoming the 

post-u-r (posture). Physical practices such as Pilates are beneficial for strengthening the core of the physical body, creating stability and intern strengthening the energy centres paving cleaner pathways for life force to flow.


All that occurs is motion. When this is embodied it is a dance with the flow of life, coming together and merging as one. Tuning into Mother Earths rhythm allows the meridian energy channels to open even more. This releases trapped energy, stimulates detoxification and excretory functions. As the mind-body enhances its awareness of this one-song and is lighter with cleaning the temple, it becomes more receptive and aligned with what's natural allowing intuition to be the guiding light.

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The mind is a play and ultimately the creator of reality itself. With control of thought you can become one with the universe within and without forming a reality that is sustainable for what you truly need to thrive. These pillars support the strength of the mind, allowing this space of creativity. Incorporating these practices and recognising factors such as the importance of the food-mind connection; The mind sits on top of the gastrointestinal tract, the food we digest primarily influences the mind, its functions and its perception of life. The firm-ment is the firm-mind. 


Sleep is a foundation for wellbeing. Every person needs a certain amount of sleep. What can be found in Chinese practice is the body clock, the body alternates cleansing and strengthening systems throughout the day and night. Keeping track of your sleep and flowing with your circadian rhythm can serve as a daily guide throughout the hours giving cues to achieve optimum function, such as a appropriate time to eat, energetically ready to perform intense physical exercise, when to take it easy and just be. Sleep is essential, and is another major factor that allows space for the body to navigate the healing process.

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Being virtuous is finding atonement. Practice would be applying great consciousness to the subconscious actions. With observation one may find how easily they unknowingly act out of virtue and alignment with the true self. Be Patience, have Gratitude, express Chastity, remain Temperance, show Humility, give Charity and apply Diligence to all these virtues and conscious ways while experiencing the flow and motions of life. 


Without conscious application one remains trapped within the mind creating a limited experience. 

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Once one comes to a realisation that man has two separate bodies, the one that can be seen and an energy body, these principles will strengthen that connection. The Pillars are the foundation of the self within the physical and non physical experience. Build the house with firm structure to live in harmoniously.

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