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Iridology Analysis

The basis of iridology is a holistic concept well accepted in other fields of alternative medicine, namely that when examined correctly, the eyes contains vital information about other parts of the body.

The frontal aspect of the eyes contains thousands of nerve endings and blood vessels that connect with parts of the brain and spinal nerves. Iridology offers a great deal of information on physical predisposition, previous medical history, genetic & emotional levels.

Iridologists believe that as a degenerative dis-ease slowly develops, the iris will reflect the changes. We can use this map, woven throughout our entire bodies to determine the health of the future!

Our Service

Information about the Reading

All communication is virtual. Through email we provide instructions on how to capture an adequate photo of your iris, send the images to us and we will perform the analysis.

In the reading we will complete a full body analysis​, holistic practices and if necessary we will recommend natural herbal protocols that will aid in cleansing and strengthening vital systems. This will put you on a path to restoring your mind-body health.

We also provide online after care and support service to guide you on your healing journey, that can be followed up by further iris analysis to examine whether healing has taken place.

Packages and Prices

Bronze Package

Basic Reading on 4 key systems; lymphatic, digestion, excretory and endocrine. A summary and advised protocols for detoxification. 

Silver Package

Full body analysis on all systems; BRONZE PACKAGE + nervous, respiratory, and cardiovascular. Further detoxification, strengthening and cleansing based protocols.

Gold Package

SILVER PACKAGE + Online support with weekly check in's and holistic living guidance for 6 months. 

If you are interested in purchasing a Package but have further questions about whether an Iridology Reading is right for you, please connect with us by clicking the link below.

Further Information

 Iridology is the study of the “iris”, the exposed nerve endings which make up the coloured part to the eye. The colours and the many structural variations which can be viewed in each iris, are the genetically determined evidence of your uniqueness. Iridologists use charts to distinguish between healthy systems and organs in the body and those that are overactive, inflamed, or distressed.

Moving forward

Dependant on many elements that have to be taken into consideration - moving forward we will advise practices and protocols that will help purify and reinforce areas that may be weak within the body. The practices we provide are holistic and formed to fit individual needs, we monitor and observe these changes to ensure the protocols are efficient and effective. If we may find that healing a weakness is beyond our professional capabilities we can refer to more suited practitioners or holistic practice.

How long will it take to heal?

There are many contributing factors - a health questionnaire would have to be complete and reviewed in order to give a more individualised answer. 

Factors would be a collective of Genetics, Food Consumption, Lifestyle Choices and other aspects. Dependant on these characteristics would be the length of time it would take to heal, a generalisation in natural medicine is to expect a month’s worth of therapeutics for every year you have had a problem, but this is a very indefinite approximation.

The healing will take time and discipline, but the purpose of this is priceless!

Further down we have answered some common question

Reviews and Testimonials

Massive thank you to Leigh and Annie for my iridology examination


I never realised you could gain so much useful information about the body from simply looking at the eyes, it really is quite remarkable the accuracy and depth that Leigh and Annie manage to garner from examining the minute lines colours imperfections etc that correlate with the certain dysfunctions of the body, 


I was presented with a very in depth breakdown of both eyes, and protocols to aid regeneration and healing with very specific foods herbs and remedies for all the imbalances and diseases.



Now going forward I feel much more clear on what I need to do and how to implement it,  so to improve all the areas of my body’s health. Thank you


- Robin-benjamin

Questions and Answer

How often should I have an iridology review?

Dependant on contributing factors such as practices and protocols followed, then once a year would show some signs to keep track of progress. However with the iris being made up of nerves and tissue, it takes time for these delicate fibres to fully regenerate.

Does it make a difference what colour my eyes are?


The colour of the eye plays a vital role in reading the Iris, there are only two true colour eyes and those are blue and brown. It doesn't make a difference in the sense of being able to analyse the eyes however the colour alone holds information about overall health of the body, this makes difference to healing moving forward.

Can Iridology see if I have an eye problem?


Iridology can show the strength and constitution of the eye but not the health of vision. 

Can Iridology see why i'm not getting pregnant?

Unfortunately Iridology cannot determine this. What it can provide are answers to the level of strength in the reproductive system, if there are answers protocols can be recommended to help reinforce bodily functions. 

Can Iridology see if I have heart problems?

An analysis can show whether someone has genetic weakness or weakness of the heart in general. Iridology makes it so we can read past, present and generalise future issues that may arise.

Is Iridology suitable for children and babies?

Yes! All women and men of all ages can, all species with eyes can have an iridology reading. Eyes are nerve endings that are connected and woven throughout our entire body, having an analysis is suitable for all those with eyes seeking guidance on their health.

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