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Living Guides


Our passion is to help others attain freedom in all ways. Freedom from thought and attachments the mind has cultivated in the physical experience and mental state. Freedom from negative expression and attraction. Freedom from habitual ways that create a repetitive strain on the experience of life. 

We want Free-Dom; The mind is a Dome, Free it from negative entrapment through application of holistic living.

How we can help you

Are you seeking deeper insight into your mind-body health? Are you more aligned with natural healing modalities?

We invite you to join us on a journey where freedom from imbalance in all forms is attainable, as we share ancient, traditional but most importantly, natural practices and teachings on understanding the mind-body connection and what it requires to thrive. Learn how to move through life effortlessly and step into your highest potential, your higher consciousness as you experience an immersive and transformative way of holistic and hygienic living. No appointments. No invasive testing methods. No medications. What you gain is your own trust through acceptance that your body has the ability to heal itself, it doesn’t need intervention, all it requires is mindful action and species specific foods. 


Recognising the universal laws of nature that we see present when observing its flow, there is a mental trap where humans don’t have the ability to see the effortlessness, the grace and innate unspoken instinct of all animals grazing upon species specific food. Physiologically and biologically the body has limitations and restrictions due to its design and how it simply functions, these qualities are reflected throughout all nature. So the question is, are we bound by these laws? Are you willing to accept limitation to become limitless?


What we do

We create the space for growth and we begin by getting to know you. With an in-depth Health Questionnaire we ask questions about insignificance because it is a sign within if one can see. Achy joints? Blood shot eye? Tissue damage and scaring? Irregular menstrual cycle? Low testosterone? We can guide you on a subtle path of using sustainable alternatives to create balance between health and living. 


What do we mean by sustainable alternative? An alternative food source thats natural, replacing an undigestible (processed) type of produce. 


Statistics show that these undigestible types of produce can lead to degenerative health concerns. Our message is to share a natural understanding and guide to help others move away from risk, attaining this with a satisfied healthy mind-body through consumption of nutrient dense foods and traditional healing practices. 


There are many forms of holistic practices that give insight about the overall health of the body,,  the methods and services we provide are,


- Juice Packages

- Detoxification packages and Extended Juice Cleanses

- Iridology Analysis

- Catering

- Events, Retreats, Weekly Meal Plan

- Raw Food Nutrition Coaching and Guidance

- Naturopathy

- Herbal Detoxification

- Transitional Guidance

- Sustainable Alternative Living

- Physical Fitness

- Gym Based Training and Therapy Guidance


How we can help you

The journey starts with you. It doesn’t matter the reasoning for an adjustment in mindset and desire to change, it’s the action that brings the fruits. However these reasons don’t go unrecognised, in time the body will digest ALL forms of matter, whether it be dis-eases, negative thoughts, excess fat, toxic build up, over acidity etc. We are here to provide practices and teachings that will bring alignment to the mind-body creating a positive, healthy and abundant experience.

This is achieved in a way that is available to all,

Plant Based Foods

However, we can help you by working with you and within the ranges of your own comfortability, we use methods and tools that help understand individualism, allowing space for specific goals and desires to be met while the body is being nourished.

If you are seeking a deep journey of cleansing the mind, body and spirit, connect with us today!

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